Nora Gladys Tello Torres

Nora Tello belongs to the Bora indigenous group and is from the Pucaurquillo community in the Ampiyacu River basin in the Pebas district of the Loreto region of Peru. She is a bilingual intercultural education teacher in her local community and has worked in the field for 30 years. She graduated from the National University of Amazonas in Peru and specialized in Intercultural Bilingual Education at the National Institute of Education of Monterrico.

On the other hand, she also has the ability to weave chambira by hand, a profession to which she dedicates herself wholeheartedly thanks to her work as a teacher. She weaves, dyes and spins chambira threads, which is her source of income for her family’s expenses. Thanks to this job, she was also able to give her daughter the opportunity to study a professional career and work in it alongside her husband. She is very happy with her local community because the people are very hard-working as they also dedicate themselves to weaving and learning in the workshops they offer.

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