Jacob Quevare Garcia

Jacob Quevare is an Amazonian painter and descendant of the original Bora tribe. He was born in 1992 in the community of Pucaurquillo, Ampiyacu River Basin, Pebas district, Loreto region, Peru. Since he was little he had the ability to draw what he saw: “When I walked through the farm with my parents, I captured everything I saw in my drawing notebook.” Finally, Jacob invented the “Llanchama” technique (a durable and thick fabric made from the bark of the traditional Amazonian ojé tree. In this way, for the first time he was able to use his brush with natural colors extracted from the forest.

In 2010 he graduated from high school. In 2012 he entered the National University of the Amazon in Peru, with a specialization in social anthropology, which was very important to help him identify more with his culture, history, customs and especially with nature. This is reflected in his various works of art, where he expresses the reality of the different peoples of the Peruvian Amazon.

“My painting marks that axis: Demonstrate how valuable nature, my culture, my history and myths are. We are a town that generates tobacco, cassava and the coca plant. I demonstrate this reality in my paintings.” In this way, Jacob draws on his anthropological studies and his artistic talent and expresses the fusion of both in his paintings. “This is how we learn to value the customs and stories transmitted by our grandparents and ancestors, which are passed from generation to generation to the present day. This reflects my art, my ancestral culture.”

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