Reydelinda M.

Reydelinda M. is a 44-year-old woman who currently lives in Pucallpa, a Panaillo indigenous community. She started a small business related to ancestral painting, an art that she has been passionate about for 30 years, heritage painting.

Her business consists primarily of products made from common fabrics, each design is an heirloom that reflects the culture of her community for those who appreciate the diversity of Shipibo designs. Reydelinda met Nassf thanks to the introduction of her sister who had a similar business. When general manager Liccet Suárez visited her community with the hope of improving the quality of life through entrepreneurship.

By choosing to join Nassf, her business was able to reach more people, which made it easier for her to sell her crafts, and she also obtained a RUC number.

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